What is the right serving size for the herbs and herbal blends?Updated 2 years ago
You can mix and match any of our herbs. Wolf recommends putting a few different kinds out each day and your rabbits choose when and what they want to eat. They seem to enjoy finding little piles of herbs in different spaces - a bit here, a bit there.
These are the herbs that should be rationed:
- Any of the single herbs - max 2 heaping TBS per day for a 12 pound rabbit.
- Young at Heart - same as above.
Any of our other mixes can be given at will and in any amount your furkid wants. They can even have a whole bag if their hearts desire; it will do your small pet no harm whatsoever and will give them lots of forage and interesting tastes and textures. And micronutrients. And just plain yumminess. That's a win.